World of Abbreviation's !

  • WIPRO- Western India Products
  • PDF- Portable Document Format

  • D.J.- Disk Jockey

  • P.S. – Post Scriptum
  • SCUBA – Self –Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
  • DSLR- Digital Single Lens Reflex
  • DLF- Delhi Land and Finance
  • HTC- High Tech Computer
  • LG- Lucky Goldstar. It is not Life’s good.(LG Corporation - Wikipedia
  • PVR- Priya Village Roadshow
  • HDFC- Housing Development and Finance Corporation
  • NDTV- New Delhi Television
  • GIF- Graphics Interchange Format
  • Wi-Fi-Wireless Fidelity
  • SIM- Subscriber Identity Module
  • NOIDA- New Okhla Industrial Development Authority
  • VIRUS- Vital Information Resource under seige
  • ITC-Imperial Tobacco Company
  • TOEFL-Test Of English as a Foreign Language
  • CNN-Cable News Network
  • ISKCON-International Society for Krishna Consciousness
  • ESPN– Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
  • CAPTCHA-“completely automated public Turing Test to tell computers and humans apart.”
  • PAKISTAN- The name Pakistan is said to be derived from the Urdu and Persian word pak, meaning “pure.” But when the name was first coined in 1933, the independence activist Choudhry Rahmat Ali also suggested that it worked as an acronym of the five northern kingdoms of British India: Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh and, giving it its final few letters, Baluchistan.
  • YAHOO: Yet Another Hierarchial Officious Oracle
  • FAX: Far Away Xerox.
  • CVV : Card Verification Value.
     Written at the back of debit/credit cards to make online payment.
  • AMUL- Anand Milk Union Limited
  • OTG- On The Go !
