20 Pics - Showing humanity by animals!

Here are 20 pics which i found useful to share, which show us the other side of the fun that we are having while hunting the animals for food, furniture, decoration etc. If the same happens with the humans while animals are enjoying the situation then this would be the case ....

So this shows the cruelty, inhumanity and disrespect towards the animals. We are not aware of the results they have to face just for the seek of our need, entertainment or show off. The nature is the gift which we are exploiting causing the adverse effect on the ecology.
If same happens in the future with such cruelty soon the animals will be only in the stories to tell. Your grandchildren will see this beautiful and rare species in the television only. Start feeling the pain and emotions of them and you will enjoy its beauty along with the happiness of real world. So let's take an initiative to stop this nonsense and help in maintaining the beauty of the nature so that our children can see those species in reality rather in books.


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