Some great Ads, which are really good !

In the age of industrialisation and marketing everyone wants to sell his products and to do so, they are using some smarter tactics. I found some jaw dropping advertisement which are really very good. See the post till last and comment your views on which advertiser you liked the most.

  • Still on App Store?
  • Even Hulk needs it!
  • Durex never disappoints.
  • Hungry?
  • If you connect more, you connect less.
  • Don’t drink and Drive.
  • Don’t text and drive.
  • What’s your favourite colour: White or Yellow?
  • Eye donation!
  • Avoid Plastic Bags.
  • Save paper. Save Planet.
  • Nivea at its best!
  • Save our Mother planet.
  • Ad for Gym!
  • Another Ad for Gym!
  • Not Again!
  • We fear both.
  • Electronic motion sensors. Everytime a person passes by, the bulb lit up.
  • Another Ad Gym
  • McDonalds Ad for ‘extra large coffee’. See the stains?
  • From New York to Rio, FedEx.
  • Subtle yet smart. Get it, Right?
  • Another Durex jewel. Don’get it, that’s because you’re reading upside down.
  • Another Jewel.
  • Well, this one is a little edgy. A very intelligent Ad and some people might not get in the first go. Philips, you see!
  • Hahaha! If you know what I mean.
  • Snickers ka bada bite.
  • Tick tock, tick tock! Ad for awareness.
  • Crunches, weights and stretches. Adidas.
  • For those who get in the first go, Kudos!
  • Hyundai takes this to a next level. Everyone has a blind spot while you’re driving, when vehicles are in between your field of vision and what the mirrors show.
(Here’s the trick. Close your right eye, and look at the image in the mirror. Then move closer to the screen. At a certain point, the image on the left disappears.)

Hope you like it !
